Precision Dietetics & Nutrition

Precision dietetics & Nutrition

The OYMN program begins with - and routinely relies upon - a comprehensive assessment of human health and performance and subsequent analysis using a scientific approach to develop innovative, engaging and effective nutritional and health programming that is personalized to the individual.

The fundamental purpose behind the testing is to provide “precision dietetics.” In other words, moving beyond the observable and working with a surgical vision rather than simply (and traditionally) guessing based upon textbook guidelines and cookie-cutter templates. Test data provide results that empower the individual with individualized insights and perspectives on why one diet does not work for everyone.

Part of the pipeline for personalized nutrition and health is the integration of data derived from various health determinants such as diet, blood/urine/saliva biomarkers, the gut microbiome and wearable sensors. Given the goal of ensuring short- and long-term solutions are sustainable, many aspects are considered when deciding if something is healthy for an individual, their lifestyle and their preferences. Each individual has unique characteristics that must be considered to create a solid nutritional and health program that works. An individualized and personalized nutritional, supplementation and lifestyle plan follows a multi-dimensional approach - considering social, lifestyle, environmental, genetic and metabolic parameters. The plan is also tailored to health status, clinical history, training program and more.

An individualized and personalized (or ‘precision dietetics’) approach to nutritional programming yields better health and performance outcomes than the traditional one-size-fits-all approach. This is why OYMN testing is the foundation to helping individuals achieve optimal health and performance as well as the highest possible quality of life.

Translated actionable Insight & Analysis

Test data are a coal mine. Moving beyond the observable and integrating advanced diagnostics allows for the discovery of actionable insights. Of all that gets measured, the key is to identify and absorb the useful data points (‘metrics that matter’) - that subsequently get worked on - and discard what is not clinically significant.

As with many tests, the results are best interpreted in the context of the individual. This is why Katie fosters a strong “coach-athlete” (or “coach-client”) relationship. Katie’s closer familiarity with the individual puts her in a strong position to accurately interpret and apply test results in the context of the individual. Physicians manage different problems without considering the individual’s whole picture. This is why there are delays in diagnoses.

Most individuals will not search for a professional filter when they receive a test report accompanied by interpretation that is not always carried out in the context of the individual. Most individuals will simply take the recommendations reported (and much of the time - with no understanding about what really to do with the recommendations) that were either sourced from artificial intelligence or provided by professionals who only knew the individual to the limited extent provided by the data on paper and a few minutes of conversation. The next level is providing recommendations based upon also knowing the individual as a whole, especially their lifestyle.

At the same time, knowing is not enough. We must apply. Katie embraces data and uses data to its full potential. Her understanding of science and analytics allows her to bring it to the front of the line and translate it into ideas that matter for people, especially for athletes and coaches.

The Why

By using comprehensive testing and gathering detailed histories, this approach offers the following values:

  • Athletes

    • Implement new technologies in nutritional and performance diagnostics that allow them to squeeze out a competitive advantage

    • Find physiological performance limiters that give better insight to health and performance

    • Measure their own recovery rates and outputs

    • Observe their power and strength adaptations related to their diet

    • Use data as feedback for their process that drives them toward better outcomes

    • Develop a personalized, periodized and practical nutritional plan

  • All

    • Find areas of health that need improvement to help enhance quality of life

    • Uncover the root cause of health concerns

    • Screen for increased risk related to nutritional deficiencies, illnesses or chronic disease - as diseases incubate over long periods of time, during which errors and stresses accumulate

    • Develop an individualized, personalized and practical nutritional plan


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Many of the tests require completion by all clients as the test data serve as the foundation of of individualized nutritional programming. However, other tests are optional as they are only necessary based upon the client’s needs. Further diagnostic tests may be needed to maximize the understanding of an individual’s physiology.


Throughout life, most of us have a physiological Bermuda Triangle that is always at play, which is especially the case for athletes. Our body’s biochemistry is constantly changing in response to changes in: overall health status, nutritional status, psychological status, age, work schedule, training cycle, lifestyle, sleep, environmental exposures and more. Subsequently, data are used as feedback for the process. The integration and application of data drive us toward achieving better outcomes.

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