
Comprehensive Human Performance Assessment


The most comprehensive assessment & Monitoring of Human health & performance

Extract a Comprehensive View of Your Physiology While Training “In The Trenches”

Physiological profiling is conducted “in the trenches” to provide the most comprehensive nutritional assessment: fuel analysis combined with GPS and other sport sensors that will allow for data analysis during real-time measurements anywhere and under any environmental condition.

OYMN uses the COSMED K5 - the top-of-the-line metabolic system for exercise physiology and human performance and nutritional assessment.

The K5 is the only metabolic system on the market that allows for measurement of the following components:

COSMED K5 Infographic.png

Test details

Testing is sport-specific and personalized to the needs of the athlete. The performance assessment combines muscle oxygenation testing with this wearable metabolic system and is conducted during an athlete’s training that allows for real-time data analysis.